I so often find that children have so much to teach us adults, and a recent experience with my daughter confirmed that.
My daughter Eve, who’s always enjoyed her food, had taken a packed lunch to school and when I went to empty her box at the end of the day discovered that she’d eaten a small piece of fruit during her break – and that was it.
I asked if she was feeling okay, and was there a reason she’d not eaten her lunch?
“I’m fine Mummy”, she replied, “but Emily and me were having such a good game at lunch play that I didn’t want to miss out on any of it.”
And there you have it. Weight loss advice from a six year old!
If something is interesting, fun and rewarding enough food takes the place that it should do in your life – we eat when we’re hungry rather than when the clock tells us.
Sadly we’ve been so brainwashed by the food (and diet) industry to believe that we should eat certain things at certain times that many of us have completely forgotten our natural human instincts.
When can you stop dieting and start just eating healthily, normally and naturally?
What foods can you eat that you enjoy AND are good for you?
What small eating changes can you make that will make you feel and look thin in the long term?